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Frequently Asked Questions



Recorded webinars in English and Spanish are available here under “Care Provider Enrollment Packet Webinar”.

Please refer to our “Completing the I-9” guide below.

Completing the I-9 Guide – English

Completing the I-9 Guide – Spanish

You may also watch a step-by-step recording of the process here.

Please refer to our “Navigating the Enrollment Packet in DocuSign” Guide.

DocuSign Client and Care Provider | en español



Go the ADP Log in Page at https://workforcenow.adp.com

Click on “Create Account”.

Select “I Have a Registration Code” button.

Follow the prompts to enter your personal information and create your new account.

Refer to the ADP Employee Registration Quick Reference Guide attached here in English or en español.

If you are unable to complete your registration on the ADP portal or have questions, please contact your Aveanna office.

Go the ADP Log in Page at https://workforcenow.adp.com.

Use your Aveanna ADP User ID and Password.

Refer to the Finding Your Username and/or Resetting Your Password guide attached in English or en español.

If you are unable to complete your registration on the ADP portal or have questions, please contact your Aveanna office.


Contact us by email at sscustomersupport@aveanna.com or by phone at 1.800.974.1234 to change your contact information in ADP.

Contact us by email at sscustomersupport@aveanna.com or by phone at 1.800.974.1234 to change your tax withholdings in ADP.

ADP will mail your W-2. If you need to update your mailing address, please contact us by email at sscustomersupport@aveanna.com or by phone at 1.800.974.1234.

You can also access your W-2 forms online through the ADP portal.

For your Aveanna W-2 form go to https://workforcenow.adp.com/ and use your Aveanna ADP User ID and Password. If you need to set up your Aveanna ADP account, follow the instruction here.

Log into ADP at https://workforcenow.adp.com

After logging on, click “Myself” on the Menu Bar.

Scroll down and hover over “Pay”. Click “Pay Statements”.

Click on “View Statement” to see the most recent pay statement, or check the box next to a recent pay statement then click on DOWNLOAD.


Direct Deposit, Wisely Pay Card, and Payroll

You can update your direct deposit information in ADP. You can find detailed instruction in English and Spanish here.

A Wisely Pay card is a convenient way for you to be paid. Instead of a traditional bank account, pay is loaded into the pay card account. You can then save or spend your money using your pay card.

Contact us by email at sscustomersupport@aveanna.com or by phone at 1.800.974.1234 to sign-up for a Wisely Pay card.

EOR Care providers must have their punches inputted and approved in AveannaCare every Sunday by 5 PM for payment to be issued that following Friday.

Reimbursement recipients must have entries inputted in AveannaCare no later than the 5th and 15th of every month in order for payment to be processed for the following pay date.

Please refer to our payroll calendars below:

2025 Payroll Calendar – English

2025 Payroll Calendar – Spanish

2025 FMS Reimbursement Calendar – English

2025 FMS Reimbursement Calendar – Spanish


Travel Time and Mileage Reimbursement

Travel Time is the time it takes to travel between two or more clients in the same workday. Mileage is the distance traveled between two or more clients in the same workday.

If you work with two or more clients in the same workday, you qualify for travel time and mileage reimbursement.

In order to be reimbursed for travel time and mileage you must use the AveannaCare app. To learn how, you can watch videos on how to log travel time and mileage punches for Agency Care Providers and how to log travel time and mileage punches for EOR Care Providers.

View Spanish language videos here.

You can find detailed instruction in theses guides.

Please see guide below for reference when “Reason Codes” are NOT required:

AveannaCare Transportation Reimbursement Guide | en español

Please see guide below for reference when “Reason Codes” ARE required:

Creating a Transportation Reimbursement Punch | en español



EVV Client Sign-Off

In order for the care provider to receive payment, clients/families will be required to sign-off on their care provider’s punches through the AveannaCare web portal or app.

Please see guide below for reference when “Reason Codes” are NOT required:

AveannaCare Mobile EVV – Punching and Approving Hours – Client and Care Provider Guide | en español

Please see guide below for reference when “Reason Codes” ARE required:

AveannaCare Mobile App User Guide | en español

To download the AveannaCare app use the guide below.

Downloading the AveannaCare Mobile EVV App and Initial Log-in Instructions | en Español

To find instructions, training videos, guides, and FAQs, visit the AveannaCare info page.


AveannaCare – All Users

The 21st Century CURES Act, signed into law in 2016, requires that States set up an EVV system to verify that services for all Medicaid-funded personal care and home health care services occurred. An EVV system must verify the following service components: type of service, individual receiving the service, date of the service, location of service delivery, individual providing the services, and time the service begins and ends. This does not change where and how these services are delivered.

The AveannaCare app has many benefits for both clients and care providers, including tracking of hours, viewing current authorizations, and reporting hours electronically without the need for paper. Most importantly, AveannaCare is an EVV compliant solution that meets Federal and California State regulations.

Watch a tutorial on the AveannaCare Mobile App here. (Video en español)

To download the AveannaCare app use the guide below.

Downloading the AveannaCare App and Log-in Instructions | en español

To find instructions, training videos, guides, and FAQs, visit the AveannaCare info page.

You can reset your password on the login screen by clicking “forgot password?”. When prompted, enter your email address and the system will send you an email with instructions to reset your password. The email provided must match the email associated with your account in AveannaCare. You must know the answer to your security question to reset your password. Please note, security question answers are case sensitive and must be entered exactly as they were when originally set up.

Please see the guide below for reference:

How to Change or Reset Your Password | en español

If you do not remember your security question or have been locked out of AveannaCare, please contact Aveanna by email at sscustomersupport@aveanna.com or by phone at 1.800.974.1234.

You can change your PIN in the AveannaCare web portal using the guide below.

AveannaCare App PIN | en español

The AveannaCare app will still record your “clock in” and “clock out” if you lose signal. When the signal has been restored, simply login and the app will sync your data.

The app uses GPS to record the location at the start and at the end of the shift. The app does not track location before a shift, during a shift, or after a shift has ended.

The system will send automated email notifications when a punch entry is created and is awaiting client sign off, when a punch entry has been signed off by the client, and when a punch entry is rejected.

AveannaCare – Clients/Families

To download the AveannaCare app use the guide below.

Downloading the AveannaCare App and Log-in Instructions | en español

To find instructions, training videos, guides, and FAQs, visit the AveannaCare info page.

On the AveannaCare portal dashboard, hours can be viewed by week and by care provider. Authorizations for the current month can be viewed as well as monthly available hours.

Please see the guides below for reference:

How to Check Your Authorization | en español

How to Check Hours Worked – Clienten español

No, if you used your Client PIN at clock in on the app you must also clock out on the app with your Client PIN. You must use the same method for clock in and clock out for a shift.

The Care Provider should login to aveanna.dcisoftware.com and “Add New Entry.” You will then need to login to your own profile and navigate to “Entries Requiring Signoff” to view “Pending” entries. You will then sign off on the entry.

Please see guide below for reference when “Reason Codes” are NOT required:

Creating a Punch | en español

Please see guide below for reference when “Reason Codes” ARE required:

Creating an EOR Service Portal Punch | en español

The Care Provider should clock out as soon as they realize they forgot. They can reject the punch or have you reject the punch. The Care Provider will then visit aveanna.dcisoftware.com and “Add New Entry” (See guides under “WHAT SHOULD I DO IF THE CARE PROVIDER FORGOT TO CLOCK IN?” FAQ). You will need to perform EVV signoff by logging into your own profile and navigating to “Entries Requiring Sign Off” to view “Pending” entries.

Please see guide below for reference when “Reason Codes” are NOT required:

Care Provider Edit Time Entry | en español

Please see guide below for reference when “Reason Codes” ARE required:

Care Provider Edit or Reject Time Entry | en Español

You can find detailed instructions in the guides below.

Please see guides below for reference when “Reason Codes” are NOT required:

AveannaCare Transportation Reimbursement Guide | en español

Please see guide below for reference when “Reason Codes” ARE required:

Creating a Transportation Reimbursement Punch |en español


You can find detailed instructions in the guides below.

Creating a Day Care Reimbursement Punch | en español 


You can find detailed instructions in the guides below.

Signing Off on Respite Hours and Punching for Day Care Reimbursement | en Español 

AveannaCare – Care Providers

If “Portal Signoff” was selected as the verification method in the app, the punch entry line will have a status of “Pending” and “Portal Sign Off” will be “No” under the “Entries” tab. Once a client/family member has approved the punch, “Portal Sign Off” will be “Yes” and no further action is required. It will change to an “Approved” status within a couple of hours.

Please see guide below:

Punch Status Cheat Sheet | en español 

No, you must use the same method for clock in and clock out for a shift.

If you have completed all the fields and are still unable to clock in or out, please see the guide below for reference:

Punch Entry Error Message Troubleshooting Guide | en español

If you are still experiencing issues, contact us by clicking here and filling out the form. Someone will be in touch soon.

Visit aveanna.dcisoftware.com and “Add New Entry.” The Client will need to perform EVV Signoff by logging into their own profile and navigating to “Entries Requiring Signoff” to view “Pending” entries.

Please see guide below for reference when “Reason Codes” are NOT required:

Creating a Punch | en español 

Please see guide below for reference when “Reason Codes” ARE required:

Creating an EOR Service Portal Punch | en español 


An entry will have this status because the system is validating that the entry meets all the rules before changing to a “pending” status. If the punch is “rejected” instead of “pending,” check your messages in the AveannaCare app or the Business Rules tab for the entry in the AveannaCare web portal to find out why. Common rejection reasons are: It may be an existing punch for that date and time was already created, it exceeded the daily/weekly/monthly approved amount, or for other reasons.

Please see the guide below for reference:

Punch Entry Error Message Troubleshooting Guide | en español

If you are still experiencing issues, contact us by clicking here and filling out the form. Someone will be in touch soon.

You and your client/family will determine how many hours you can work. Clients/families can view their authorizations and available balances on the AveannaCare portal and will schedule you accordingly. Clients/families can refer to the “HOW DO I TRACK HOURS AND VIEW AUTHORIZATIONS?” FAQ for a guide on how to check authorizations and balances.

You can also track the hours you have worked using the guide below:

How to Check Hours Worked – Care Provideren español

Group services are when you provide a service to 2 (two) clients (usually siblings) in the same home at the same time. You can punch for these services using the guide below:

Punching for Group Services | en español 

Common reasons for clock in/out issues are: An existing punch for that date and time was already created, it exceeds the daily/weekly/monthly approved amount, or for other reasons. Please see the guide below for reference:

Punch Entry Error Message Troubleshooting Guide | en español

If you are still experiencing issues, contact us by clicking here and filling out the form. Someone will be in touch soon.

To review system notifications regarding rejected punches, simply click on the envelope at the top right of the dashboard (same for both app & portal). Care Providers can see all entries, including rejected punches, by selecting “menu” and then “entries”. You can review the reason for the rejected punch via the messaging module.

Please see the guide below for reference:

Punch Entry Error Message Troubleshooting Guide | en español

If you are still experiencing issues, contact us by clicking here and filling out the form. Someone will be in touch soon.

Rejections are usually related to the remaining authorized hours. We encourage you to speak to your client/family to confirm the hours you can work. Clients/families can refer to the “HOW DO I TRACK HOURS AND VIEW AUTHORIZATIONS?” FAQ for information on how to check authorizations and balances.

Please see the guide below for reference:

Punch Entry Error Message Troubleshooting Guide | en español

If you are still experiencing issues, contact us by clicking here and filling out the form. Someone will be in touch soon.

If the client has not approved the hours, they can reject them in the AveannaCare web portal under the “ENTRIES REQUIRING SIGN OFF” tab and the hours can be re-entered under the correct service code in the AveannaCare web portal.

Please see guide below for reference when “Reason Codes” are NOT required:

Care Provider Editing a Punch | en español 

Please see guide below for reference when “Reason Codes” ARE required:

Care Provider Edit or Reject Time Entry | en español 

Contact the office for support if needed by email at sscustomersupport@aveanna.com or by phone at 1.800.974.1234.

The system will split the shift at midnight, resulting in one shift for each date. (For example; 8:00pm – 11:59pm / 12:00am – 8:00am)

Travel Time is the time it takes to travel between two or more clients in the same workday. Mileage is the distance traveled between two or more clients in the same workday.

If you work with two or more clients in the same workday, you qualify for travel time and mileage reimbursement.

In order to be reimbursed for travel time and mileage you must use the AveannaCare app. To learn more, watch our tutorial video on how to log travel time and milage punches.

Social Recreation Services (459) for Businesses

A referral from the Regional Center is needed to register a business. Once a referral is received, our system (Quickbase) will then generate an email to your business with the registration process. No sign-up or log-in is required.

Refer to our “Quickbase Social Recreation Business Guide” here.

Clients/Families should provide their service coordinator with the following information about your business: Cost of service, description of service, contact person and email address. The service coordinator will send the referral to Aveanna and our system.

There is no charge for registering your business.

Required documents: W9 & business license/certificate.

If you are a non-profit organization, you can submit the exempt letter you received from the IRS or state. If you do not have a business license/certificate for another reason, please email us at ssvendorservices@aveanna.com with more information.

Our system will send you an email from notify@quickbase.com confirming that your document was successfully submitted. Please check your inbox/spam/junk folder.

Once the documents have been approved by the Aveanna team and you have completed the registration process, our system will generate an email notifying you of the approval.

The process typically takes between 1 to 2 weeks, depending on when all documents are submitted. Delays may occur if corrections are needed.

Our system generates automatic emails from notify@quickbase.com. Please note that these emails are for informational purposes only, and we kindly request that you do not reply to them. Please email us at ssvendorservices@aveanna.com for any questions.

After your business has completed the registration process, we will require the following to begin processing payment: Invoice and authorization from the Regional Center.

Once you have been approved, our system will send you an email containing the link to the invoice portal. Please make sure you have the client’s UCI (Unique Client Identification) number ready, as it will be required to submit the invoice.

Refer to our “Quickbase Social Recreation Business Guide” here.

Invoices need to be submitted by 5 PM every Thursday.

Currently, the first payment is issued within 3 to 4 weeks of when the invoice is approved by the client/family and Aveanna.

Follow up payments are issued within 2 to 3 weeks of when the invoices are approved by the client/family and Aveanna.

See the 2025 Social Recreation (459) Payroll Calendar below.

2025 Social Recreation Services (459) Calendar – English

2025 Social Recreation Services (459) Calendar – Spanish


Payments are issued via check or direct deposit.

Our accounts payable department sends automated emails containing a payment confirmation document. This document will include the invoice number(s) that have been paid.

Quickbase is the software Aveanna is using to streamline the social recreation services payment process. It is a website that will allow you to send your business information safely and securely. You will receive automated email notifications from this system.

If your business is vendored with any Regional Center, unfortunately your business is unable to receive payment from Aveanna under the 459-service code for social recreation.

Social Recreation under the 459-service code and the Self Determination Program (SDP) are two separate services and your business can provide both. Your business will still need to be registered with us under the 459-service code, even if you already provide Self-Determination Program (SDP) services.

If you have already been approved to provide social recreation services, please disregard the email. You may submit your invoice for processing.

An authorization serves as the contract between the Regional Center and Aveanna, specifying the approved amount for the service and permission to proceed with payment. Once the service coordinator submits the authorization, it typically takes between 2 to 3 weeks for us to receive the final authorization. Please note that delays may occur if the authorization requires updates after submission.

If there is a rate change, please notify the client/family promptly so they can notify their service coordinator.

If services are no longer being utilized, please notify us at ssvendorservices@aveanna.com

Please email us at ssvendorservices@aveanna.com.

Social Recreation Services (459) for Clients/Families

Social Recreation allows clients/families to select services from businesses that meet the client’s interest and needs. This service encourages client’s to enhance their social skills, build relationships, and integrate into their communities. Aveanna will facilitate the payment process through our Financial Management Services (FMS) and ensure that all authorized social recreation services are paid for.

Social recreation services include activities such as swimming, dancing, art, music, sports, camps, and non-medical therapies, among others.

Public or private organizations, including cities, parks, schools, gyms, music studios and more.

The Regional Center Service Coordinator approves social recreation services.

Identify the activity the client is interested in and reach out to the business to confirm that they accept third-party payments via check or direct deposit.

Once the business is confirmed, gather the following details:

  1. Business name
  2. Email address
  3. Contact person
  4. Cost of the service

Then contact your Regional Center Service coordinator to request social recreation services under the 459-service code and provide them with the business Your service coordinator will then submit a referral to Aveanna.

Once the service coordinator submits the referral, our system will automatically send the business an email with the registration instructions. The email will be sent from notify@quickbase.com. The business will be required to submit their W9 & copy of their business license/certificate.

The registration process typically takes 1 to 2 weeks, depending on when the required documents are submitted. Delays may occur if corrections are needed or if documents are incomplete.

Services can begin once the business is registered. Both the client/family and service coordinator will receive an automated email from our system (notify@quickbase.com). The client/family will then need to coordinate with the business and service coordinator to determine the start date.

Aveanna will not reimburse for services paid for by the clients or their families. We recommend waiting until you receive our confirmation email to begin services.

The business must upload their invoice to our system. Our system will then send an automated email from notify@quickbase.com to the client/family, allowing them to approve or reject the invoice.

An authorization from the regional center and the approved invoice from the client/family.

Initial payment is issued within 3 to 4 weeks of receiving the invoice and approval.

Subsequent payments are issued within 2 to 3 weeks of receiving the invoice and approval.

See the 2025 Social Recreation (459) Payroll Calendar below.

2025 Social Recreation Services (459) Calendar – English

2025 Social Recreation Services (459) Calendar – Spanish

Check or direct deposit.

Contact your service coordinator immediately so that the authorization can be updated, and payment is not delayed.

Contact your service coordinator and Aveanna at ssvendorservices@aveanna.com to provide us with the date services will stop. Do not approve invoices to avoid any overpayments.

DDS Office of the Ombudsperson

The Office of the Ombudsperson is part of California’s Department of Developmental Services. It assists regional center clients and their families with access to regional center services available under the Lanterman Act.

  • Inform: They provide information or clarification about Regional Center services and supports, including traditional services or the Self-Determination Program.
  • Connect: They assist with linking you to the Regional Center.
  • Resolve: They facilitate solutions to disagreements.
  • Guide: They provide information about the appeals process.
  • Investigate: They look into complaints.
  • Recommend: They suggest strategies and policy changes.
  • Report: They compile and present data to the legislature.
  • Outreach: They offer information to individuals or groups.

Yes, all information shared with the office of the Ombudsperson is confidential.

The Office of the Ombudsperson cannot:

  • Decide disputes.
  • Represent someone in the appeals process.
  • Make recommendations to a court or hearing officer.
  • Overturn a final hearing decision.

The Self-Determination Ombudsperson will strive to:

  • Increase the number of people in SDP.
  • Reduce the amount of time it takes to enter SDP.
  • Recommend policy change at regional centers and DDS.

The Lanterman Ombudsperson will:

  • Resolve individual complaints.
  • Provide information about the appeals process to individuals.
  • Recommend policy change at regional centers and DDS where appropriate.

Email and phone number information can be found under “Contact Information” on the DDS website at: https://www.dds.ca.gov/initiatives/office-of-the-ombudsperson/.

Email and phone number information can be found under “Contact” on the DDS website at: https://www.dds.ca.gov/initiatives/sdp/office-of-the-self-determination-ombudsperson/.